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Bing Social Agency of Record

For over three years, I led the creative for our ongoing AOR relationship with Microsoft Bing. We had teammates in Los Angeles, and others remotely working out of Indianapolis.


​The brand itself went through a yearly creative refresh, which you can see in the stylistic changes throughout the work below, but that didn't deter us from trying to keep things fun, interesting, or provocative.


Below are some highlights from the one billion things we created.


Result: Increased brand social following 50%+, drove daily traffic to product pages while raising overall brand affinity


Roles: Associate Creative Director, Script Writer, Copywriter

Agency: Bradley and Montgomery

Bing Search Trends Quiz - Motion

At the end of every week, Bing's data technicians would create a quiz out of the most-searched stories from the past seven days. Our job was to promote this quiz by creating thumbstopping assets in 24 hours.

Bing Search Trends Quiz

Bing Search Trends Quiz

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Bing - Headlines

When you're running a social account, you're constantly pumping out assets to get a reaction, win followers, drive engagement, or convert viewers into customers. Here's a collection of some of the paid and organic static work we put out.

Bing Search Trends Quiz - Static

As the brand evolved, so too did the guidelines, and our whacky little videos no longer fit. We landed on a cheeky combination of stock photography and graphic overlays to hint at a question in each week's quiz. Here are some highlights.

#Trending Days - Motion

Social media is an ocean. To keep your brand above water and in view of the customers on shore, you need to ride the wave of trending events. Because Bing connects you to knowledge via search, the idea behind every video was posing a question or a problem that you could click through for an answer. (It also doesn't hurt to have Uncle Sam and a stripper pole.)



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International Picnic Day

Bing wanted to promote a recipe carousel they had developed. International Picnic Day seemed like the perfect opportunity. Each dish in the three videos we created was available within the product carousel. While the product we were promoting is now kaput, the videos live on forever in our hearts... and Facebook media player.

International Picnic Day

International Picnic Day

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